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Gifts diagnosis
  • Gifts diagnosis

    We will identify your psychic or magical gifts, that is, those extrasensory faculties that you have had since before birth and which ones you have developed in this life, in order to bring out your greatest potential and activate your magic. It includes a guide on how to develop them and what kind of ritual to do to activate them. As well as a reading of the Da Vinci Code cards with the qualities that you previously had activated, the challenge and those that you will develop.

    • Ritual to activate your gifts
    • Guide to develop your gifts
    • Astrological analysis of your Jupiter in your natal chart

    Price: $ 1,000 MXN or $ 50 USD

    • Importante

      Una vez realizado el pago deberás agendar la cita al +52 5548167205
      Si deseas realizar el cambio de tu cita ya agendada, deberás de hacerlo con 48 horas de anticipación de lo contrario no será posible realizar cambio a la misma y se tomará como consulta efectuada o dada.

    • Dudas

      Comunícate con el equipo de Mundo Alquimist vía correo electrónico a o vía telefónica / Whatsapp al +52 5548167205

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